a center for the study of navigation, shipbuilding, mapmaking, and sailing was established by________?

The Royal Navy is one answer that comes to mind.

To determine the correct answer to your question about the establishment of a center for the study of navigation, shipbuilding, mapmaking, and sailing, we can follow a logical approach to gather relevant information.

1. Identify the keywords: navigation, shipbuilding, mapmaking, sailing, and established.
2. Use this information to conduct a search using a reliable search engine or an academic database.

Using this approach, let's find the answer together:

1. Begin by searching for information about centers or institutions established for the study of navigation, shipbuilding, mapmaking, and sailing.
2. Try different combinations of keywords to obtain the most relevant results. For example, you could search for "center for navigation and shipbuilding establishment," "institution for mapmaking and sailing," or simply "center for the study of navigation and shipbuilding."

By conducting thorough research using the steps outlined above, you should be able to gather accurate information about the establishment of a center that focuses on navigation, shipbuilding, mapmaking, and sailing.