1. What enabled people of northern Italy to sponsor learning? (1 point)Martin Luther's ideas

a mild climate
wealth from trade
help from the Germany government

2. What did German leaders want during the Reformation? (1 point)to increase the pope's power
to collect their own taxes
to enforce the laws of the Roman Catholic Church
to collect taxes for the pope

3. What advancement helped the spread of Luther's ideas? (1 point)humanism
the movable type printing press
the decision to stop paying indulgences

4. What was a main goal of European exploration? (1 point)to find a trade route to Asia
to destroy sea monsters
to protect the world from invasion
to create jobs for sailors

5. Which country explored Africa while developing a route to Asia?
(1 point)Portugal
the Philippines

6. The crew of which explorer was the first to circumnavigate the world? (1 point)Prince Henry the Navigator
Ferdinand Magellan
Christopher Columbus
Vasco da Gama

7. Who is known for strengthening the power of French kings? (1 point)Peter the Great
Cardinal Mazarin
King Ferdinand
Cardinal Richelieu

8. For which of the following is Queen Elizabeth I remembered? (1 point)marrying six times
strengthening England
executing Charles I
leading the Glorious Revolution

9. All of the following were factors in the conquest of the Incas EXCEPT (1 point)an extremely large Spanish army.
European diseases.
the kidnapping of the empire's ruler.
a civil war within the empire.

10. What was one effect of the slave trade on Africa? (1 point)Most Africans grew rich.
African societies suffered.
Africa gained capable workers.
The region grew stronger.

sory! :( ive tryed thousands of sites i cant fined anything! ive bin serching through my book all day! and since i am in ciber scool i cantask my social studys teecher plus he is o mean i mailed him that the page numbers wer mixed up plezzzzzzzzz plez plez plezplez plzzzzzzzzz help me!

oh and he mailed me that it was my problem!

Great. First, look through some literature and history BOOKS. Remember, these are the kind of books which will give the most information on what you want. I recommend doing some research, reading a few books, and reporting back to us.

Have you read your text assignment three times?

The first time you read a chapter, read it quickly, mentally noting the sections and the highlights.

The second time, read slowly and carefully. Take good notes.

The third time, reread it along with your notes to make sure you've noted the key ideas.

thank u bothe i will be using your stratigy

I can understand that you're having difficulty finding the answers to these questions, but don't worry, I'm here to help. For each question, I will provide you with the answer along with an explanation of how you can find the answer in the future.

1. What enabled people of northern Italy to sponsor learning?
Answer: Wealth from trade
Explanation: The correct answer is wealth from trade. During the Renaissance, northern Italy experienced economic prosperity due to its strategic location and a flourishing trade industry. The wealth generated from trade enabled the people of northern Italy, such as merchants and bankers, to sponsor and support learning, art, and culture.

2. What did German leaders want during the Reformation?
Answer: To collect their own taxes
Explanation: During the Reformation, German leaders, particularly the German princes, wanted to assert their independence from the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. One significant aspect of this was their desire to collect their own taxes instead of sending them to Rome.

3. What advancement helped the spread of Luther's ideas?
Answer: The movable type printing press
Explanation: The movable type printing press was a technological advancement invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century. It revolutionized the process of printing, making it faster, more affordable, and easier to produce multiple copies of books and pamphlets. Luther's ideas were widely disseminated through the printing press, allowing his message to spread rapidly across Europe.

4. What was a main goal of European exploration?
Answer: To find a trade route to Asia
Explanation: One of the primary motivations for European exploration during the Age of Exploration was to find an alternative trade route to Asia. The established land routes to Asia were controlled by the Ottoman Empire, and Europeans sought to establish direct maritime trade links with Asian countries for valuable goods such as spices and silks.

5. Which country explored Africa while developing a route to Asia?
Answer: Portugal
Explanation: Portugal was one of the European nations that explored and established trade routes in Africa while searching for a direct sea route to Asia. Portuguese explorers, such as Vasco da Gama, ventured along the African coast and eventually reached India in 1498.

6. The crew of which explorer was the first to circumnavigate the world?
Answer: Ferdinand Magellan
Explanation: Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition that successfully completed a circumnavigation of the world. Although Magellan himself did not complete the entire journey as he died in the Philippines, his crew continued the voyage and achieved the first circumnavigation.

7. Who is known for strengthening the power of French kings?
Answer: Cardinal Richelieu
Explanation: Cardinal Richelieu is known for strengthening the power of French kings during the 17th century. He was the chief minister to King Louis XIII and implemented centralizing policies that expanded the authority of the monarchy, weakened the nobles, and increased the power of the monarchy.

8. For which of the following is Queen Elizabeth I remembered?
Answer: Strengthening England
Explanation: Queen Elizabeth I, known as the "Virgin Queen," is primarily remembered for her role in strengthening England during her reign (1558-1603). She provided stability, promoted cultural achievements, expanded English influence overseas, and successfully navigated religious tensions during a time of Protestant-Catholic conflict.

9. All of the following were factors in the conquest of the Incas EXCEPT:
Answer: An extremely large Spanish army
Explanation: The conquest of the Inca Empire by the Spanish did involve a relatively small force led by Francisco Pizarro, as opposed to an extremely large Spanish army. However, the other options mentioned, such as European diseases, the kidnapping of the empire's ruler, and a civil war within the empire, were all significant factors contributing to the Inca's downfall.

10. What was one effect of the slave trade on Africa?
Answer: African societies suffered
Explanation: The slave trade had a detrimental impact on African societies. The forced capture and transportation of millions of Africans resulted in loss of life, disrupted social structures, weakened economies, and contributed to political instability in Africa.

I hope these explanations help you, and in the future, you can use these methods to search for answers on your own. Remember to check reliable sources, use relevant keywords, and consult textbooks, academic articles, or reputable websites for accurate information.