Which type of sentence is the following? An example would be.

A) correct sentence
B) run-on sentence
C) sentence fragment

I answed C

Excuse me, but where is the sentence?

But a correct sentence has no grammatical or punctuation errors. A run-on sentence has two sentences joined together without a conjunction (usually), and a sentence fragment cannot stand by itself. (usually lacks a verb of being, is a dependent clause, or is a prepositional phrase)

You're right, it's c.

To determine the correct answer, you need to analyze the given sentence and identify its components. Here's how you can do it:

1. Read the sentence: "I answed C."

2. Look for a subject and a verb: In this sentence, "I" is the subject, and "answed" is the verb.

3. Check for a complete thought: A complete thought is when the subject and verb combine to express a clear idea, and the sentence makes sense on its own. In this case, the sentence "I answered C" seems to express a complete thought.

Based on this analysis, the sentence appears to be a sentence fragment (C). A sentence fragment is an incomplete thought that is missing a subject or a verb or does not express a complete idea.

To fix the sentence fragment, you could add more information or complete the thought, such as: "I answered C correctly." This revised version would be a correct sentence (A).