Can you please help me with this?

Convert 36.7 lbs/in(3) to kilograms per cm(3). (There are 14.59 kilograms in 32.174 pounds and 61.02 in(3) in 1000 cm(3)).

Thank you!

Sure! To convert 36.7 lbs/in^3 to kilograms per cm^3, we will need to use the provided conversion factors.

First, let's convert pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kg):
1 pound (lb) = 0.4536 kilograms (kg)

So, we have:
36.7 lbs/in^3 * 0.4536 kg/lb = 16.6304 kg/in^3

Next, let's convert cubic inches (in^3) to cubic centimeters (cm^3):
1 cubic inch (in^3) = 16.3871 cubic centimeters (cm^3)

So, we have:
16.6304 kg/in^3 * 16.3871 cm^3/in^3 = 272.3264 kg/cm^3

Therefore, 36.7 lbs/in^3 is equivalent to 272.3264 kg/cm^3.

I used the given conversion factors:
- 1 pound (lb) = 0.4536 kilograms (kg)
- 1 cubic inch (in^3) = 16.3871 cubic centimeters (cm^3)

Do you have any other questions?