What the story " The Wedding Gift" by Thomas H Raddall makes use of symbolism in the following questions:

a) Explain what the snow represents

b) Explain what the character's tracks through the snow represent.

Once you have written up what YOU think, please re-post.

To understand the symbols in the story "The Wedding Gift" by Thomas H. Raddall, we need to analyze the text. Here's how you can do it:

a) To explain what the snow represents:
1. Read the story: Start by reading or rereading the story to fully grasp the context in which the snow appears.
2. Identify recurring mentions: Look for specific descriptions or instances where the snow is mentioned repeatedly throughout the story.
3. Analyze its characteristics: Consider the characteristics of snow, such as its color, texture, and impact on the setting.
4. Consider the context: Examine the events and emotions surrounding the presence of snow in the story. Think about how these events and emotions relate to the meaning of snow.
5. Formulate your interpretation: Based on the evidence gathered, create an interpretation of what the snow represents in the story. This could be a symbol of purity, peacefulness, isolation, or even danger, depending on the context.

b) To explain what the character's tracks through the snow represent:
1. Identify the character's tracks: Locate the instances in the story where the character's tracks through the snow are mentioned.
2. Analyze the character's actions: Consider the character's motivations, emotions, and intentions when they are leaving these tracks.
3. Think about the consequences: Reflect on the impact of the character's tracks on themselves and others in the story.
4. Consider the symbolism of tracks: Reflect on the symbolic meaning of tracks, such as traces of one's actions, decision-making, or impact on others.
5. Formulate your interpretation: Based on the evidence gathered, create an interpretation of what the character's tracks through the snow represent. This could be a symbol of leaving a mark, making choices, or even the consequences of one's actions, depending on the context.

By following these steps, you can analyze the story using evidence from the text to support your interpretations of what the snow and the character's tracks through the snow represent in "The Wedding Gift" by Thomas H. Raddall.