Where is humidity?

Can you find me website where you can find humidity?

Thanks for your time!

from Vin....

What do you want to know about humidity?

Where can you find humidity?
Like from outside from rain or.....

YOu can find it anywhere there is water vapor....in the air, in the house.

okkkk thanks a lot!!!

Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air or a specific environment. It can be found both indoors and outdoors, wherever there is water vapor present.

To find the current humidity levels in your specific location, you can use various online weather websites or apps. One recommended website is "Onelook", where you can search for the term "humidity" in the search bar and explore the results for detailed information.

You can visit http://www.onelook.com/?w=humidity&ls=a to access this website and gather information about humidity levels in your area or any other desired location.