I am struggling with how to outline this paper....a little guidance please. It is only 2-3 pages, so not too long.

Create an online focus group study using the framework you prepared in your first Research project on the company that your are interested OR you may choose to use your work from the volunteer survey that you created . Begin by doing additional research based upon the new sites identified in chapter 6 what you can find on the interest about the questions you wish to have answered. Identify some focus group participants and conduct the focus group using a social media like face book. Describe how you invited participants, how you would screen them and what form of information you sought.

When outlining your paper, it's helpful to follow a structured approach. Here's a step-by-step guidance to help you outline your 2-3 page paper on creating an online focus group study:

1. Introduction:
- Start with a brief overview of the purpose of your paper, which is to outline the process of creating an online focus group study.
- Set the context by mentioning the company you are interested in or the volunteer survey you conducted.
- Clearly state the objectives of your study and what you aim to achieve through conducting the focus group.

2. Research:
- Discuss the additional research you conducted based on the new sites identified in Chapter 6 of your course material. Explain how these sources were helpful in gathering information relevant to your focus group study.
- Mention the questions you wish to have answered through the focus group and explain why these questions are important in providing insights for your study.

3. Focus Group Participants:
- Identify and describe the participants you selected for your online focus group. Explain the criteria you used to choose them (e.g., specific demographics, interests, or characteristics).
- Outline the process of inviting participants to join the focus group. Discuss the method you used, such as sending personalized emails, reaching out through social media, or utilizing online forums.

4. Screening Process:
- Explain how you screened potential participants to ensure they were suitable for your study. Discuss the criteria you used to determine eligibility (e.g., age, location, previous experience, etc.).
- Describe the specific screening questions or survey used to gather information about the participants' qualifications or relevance to your study.

5. Information sought:
- Detail the type of information you sought from the focus group participants. Explain the specific questions or topics you asked them to discuss during the study.
- Discuss the rationale behind each question or topic, highlighting why they are relevant to your research objectives and what insights you hope to gain.

6. Conducting the Focus Group:
- Explain how you utilized a social media platform like Facebook to conduct the focus group. Discuss the benefits of using social media for this purpose and any challenges you may have encountered.
- Describe the format of the online focus group, including the duration, number of sessions, and any specific guidelines or instructions provided to the participants.
- Mention any ethical considerations taken into account during the focus group, such as ensuring participant privacy and anonymity.

7. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points discussed in your outline.
- Emphasize the significance of your study and the potential impact it may have on understanding the research topic or improving the company's operations.
- Briefly mention any limitations or areas for future research.

Remember, this is just a suggested outline to get you started. Feel free to modify or expand on it based on your specific requirements and the structure preferred by your instructor.