Rank the following 3 atoms in terms of increasing average valence electron energy (AVEE): Rb, Cl, Se...

Pls try and help me :( x


by amar chauhan


he's right

To rank the atoms Rb, Cl, and Se in terms of increasing average valence electron energy (AVEE), we need to consider their positions in the periodic table.

Step 1: Determine the electron configuration
The electron configuration provides information about the arrangement of electrons in an atom's energy levels. The valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level.

- Rb (Rubidium): The atomic number of Rb is 37. Its electron configuration is [Kr] 5s1, meaning it has one valence electron.
- Cl (Chlorine): The atomic number of Cl is 17. Its electron configuration is [Ne] 3s2 3p5, meaning it has seven valence electrons.
- Se (Selenium): The atomic number of Se is 34. Its electron configuration is [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p4, meaning it has six valence electrons.

Step 2: Determine the AVEE trend
The AVEE generally increases from left to right across a period in the periodic table. This means that as we move from left to right, the average valence electron energy of the elements increases.

Step 3: Rank the atoms
Based on the information we have gathered, we can rank the atoms in terms of increasing AVEE:
1. Cl (Chlorine): It has the lowest AVEE because it is on the left side of the periodic table among the given atoms.
2. Se (Selenium): It has a higher AVEE compared to Cl since it is closer to the right side of the periodic table.
3. Rb (Rubidium): It has the highest AVEE among the given atoms since it is the farthest to the right side of the periodic table.

Therefore, the ranked order in terms of increasing AVEE is: Cl < Se < Rb.