1. Starches and sugars that provide energy

(1 point)kidneys

2. The system that removes waste from the body and controls the body's water levels (1 point)excretory
digestive system

3. Organs that remove waste material, including salts, from the blood (1 point)liver
digestive system

4. A disorder in which a person repeatedly eats too much food at one time (1 point)body image
body mass index
digestive system
binge eating

5. A method for assessing your body size by taking your height and weight into account (1 point)vitamins
binge eating
body mass index
body image

6. Substances that aid in the body's chemical reaction (1 point)vitamins

7. Compounds that help regulate body processes (1 point)enzymes

8. The group of organs that work together to break down foods into substances that your cells can use (1 point)digestive system
body mass index

9. A digestive gland that secretes a substance called bile, which helps to digest fats (1 point)excretory

10. The way you see your body (1 point)vitamins
binge eating
body image
body mass index

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
11. Fats help maintain your cell membranes. (1 point)True

12. Your body does not use energy when you sleep.
(1 point)True

13. People with anorexia nervosa eat large amounts of food and then purge. (1 point)True

14. Your body image is the way others see your body. (1 point)True

15. In order to grow and develop, your body needs proteins. (1 point)True

16. The two kinds of carbohydrates are simple and complex. (1 point)True

17. Iron is a vitamin that helps make red blood cells. (1 point)True

18. Foods high in sugar are often low is other nutrients.
(1 point)True

19. The small intestine is the last stop for any food the body cannot digest. (1 point)True

20. One key way to keep your digestive and excretory systems healthy is to drink enough water. (1 point)True

1. esophagus

2. carbohydrates
3. body mass index (BMI)
4. execratory system
5. metabolism
6. calories
7. maintaining wait
8. bile
9. (heredity, activity level, and body composition)
10. resting metabolic rate (RMR)
11. true
12. true
13. false
14. false
15. false

what are alll the answers

this is for connexus but i hope it helps with other tests to

oh ok do you have a health link cause i do not have a book

'come with me if you want to live' is right thanks twin

1. The correct answer is carbohydrates. To get energy, our bodies break down carbohydrates into glucose, which is used as fuel for our cells.

2. The correct answer is kidneys. The kidneys filter waste products from the blood and regulate water balance in the body.

3. The correct answer is kidneys. The kidneys remove waste materials, including salts and excess water, from the blood and help maintain proper fluid balance in the body.

4. The correct answer is binge eating. Binge eating disorder is a condition in which a person frequently consumes large amounts of food in a short period of time, often feeling a lack of control during the episodes.

5. The correct answer is body mass index (BMI). BMI is a method used to assess body size by considering a person's height and weight. It is often used as an indicator of weight status and potential health risks.

6. The correct answer is enzymes. Enzymes are substances that facilitate chemical reactions in the body. They help break down complex molecules and are essential for various processes in the body.

7. The correct answer is vitamins. Vitamins are compounds that play a crucial role in regulating body processes and supporting overall health. They are necessary in small amounts and are obtained from the diet.

8. The correct answer is digestive system. The digestive system consists of organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines, which work together to break down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed and used by the body's cells.

9. The correct answer is liver. The liver is a digestive gland that produces bile, a substance that helps in the digestion and absorption of fats.

10. The correct answer is body image. Body image refers to how a person perceives and feels about their own body, including their size, shape, and appearance.

11. True. Fats are an important component of cell membranes and play a role in maintaining their integrity.
12. False. The body still uses energy while sleeping to carry out essential functions such as breathing, maintaining body temperature, and repairing cells.
13. False. People with anorexia nervosa often have an intense fear of gaining weight and restrict their food intake significantly.
14. False. Body image refers to how an individual sees themselves, not how others perceive them.
15. True. Proteins are essential for growth and development, as they are involved in building and repairing tissues in the body.
16. True. Carbohydrates can be classified into simple and complex types based on their chemical structure.
17. False. Iron is a mineral, not a vitamin, and it is necessary for the production of red blood cells.
18. True. Foods high in sugar are often low in other nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
19. False. The small intestine is one of the primary sites of digestion and absorption of nutrients, not the last stop for undigestible food.
20. True. Drinking enough water is important for maintaining the health of the digestive and excretory systems, as it helps in the digestion of food and elimination of waste products.

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