Graph the solutions of the inequality on a number line. c<5

To graph the solutions of the inequality c < 5 on a number line, follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal line and label it with numbers starting from the left side. Make sure to include a small arrow on one end of the line to indicate that the number line continues indefinitely in that direction.

2. Locate the number 5 on the number line. This will serve as a reference point.

3. Since c is less than 5, we need to mark all the numbers that are less than 5. To do this, draw an open circle (an empty circle) on the number 5 on the number line. This indicates that 5 is not included in the solution set.

4. Finally, draw an arrow extending to the left side of the number line, indicating that the numbers to the left of 5 (closer to negative infinity) are part of the solution set. Since there is no specified range for c, the direction of the arrow is towards negative infinity.

The resulting graph should show an open circle on 5 and an arrow extending towards negative infinity.