he kind of economy that was created in Pittsburgh is called

twenty-first century.


What is your answer?

i thinbk b and it doesn't say when.. oh wait, i just got this--

Shaken by the collapse of the steel industry, which had provided them with an unshakable sense of identity for more than a century, Pittsburghers hunkered down and built a new economy based on services, medicine, education, and technology. In the process, they transformed their community from one driven by quantity of production into one devoted to quality of life.
'1991 peter Miller

I agree with b.

The correct answer is a. post-industrial. To determine this, we need to understand what post-industrial means and apply it to the city of Pittsburgh.

Post-industrial refers to an economic system that has transitioned from a manufacturing-based economy to one based on services, information, and technology. In the case of Pittsburgh, it was historically known for its steel industry, but in recent decades, it has diversified its economy to include industries such as healthcare, finance, technology, education, and robotics.

To arrive at this answer, we could have used a few different approaches. We could have researched the economic history of Pittsburgh and identified the shift from a manufacturing-based economy to a more service-oriented one. We could have also examined key industries and sectors in Pittsburgh today to see if they align with the characteristics of a post-industrial economy. These methods would have confirmed that the kind of economy created in Pittsburgh is indeed post-industrial.