which of the following statements is supported by the information in the map? ONE) australia is self-supporting in oil two)Africa trades oil only with south America.three)the soviet Union has trade routes with every major continent. four) all of the major continents have crude oil reserves except antarctica. five) Africa and australia have most of the world's oil reserves.

Please see the Related Questions below.

please i need your help

To determine which of the statements is supported by the information in the map, let's analyze each statement one by one:

1) Australia is self-supporting in oil:
Since the map does not provide any information about Australia's oil production or trade, there is no evidence to support or contradict this statement.

2) Africa trades oil only with South America:
The map does not specifically show direct trade routes between Africa and South America. Therefore, there is no information to support this statement.

3) The Soviet Union has trade routes with every major continent:
The map does not provide any information about the Soviet Union, as it was dissolved in 1991. Therefore, this statement is not supported by the information in the map.

4) All of the major continents have crude oil reserves except Antarctica:
The map shows crude oil reserves marked on every major continent except Antarctica. This supports the statement that all major continents have crude oil reserves except Antarctica.

5) Africa and Australia have most of the world's oil reserves:
The map does not explicitly indicate the distribution of the world's oil reserves. Therefore, there is no evidence to support this statement.

Based on the information in the map, only statement 4 ("All of the major continents have crude oil reserves except Antarctica") is supported.

To determine which statement is supported by the information in the map, let's break down each statement and analyze the map:

1) "Australia is self-supporting in oil": The map does not provide any information about Australia's oil production, so this statement cannot be supported.

2) "Africa trades oil only with South America": The map does not show any direct trade routes between Africa and South America, so this statement cannot be supported.

3) "The Soviet Union has trade routes with every major continent": The map does not identify the Soviet Union or its trade routes. Moreover, it's important to note that the map may not reflect the most up-to-date information since it doesn't account for shifts in geopolitical boundaries or recent changes in the world order. Therefore, this statement cannot be supported.

4) "All of the major continents have crude oil reserves except Antarctica": The map shows oil reserves in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, but it does not show any oil reserves in Antarctica. Therefore, this statement is supported by the information in the map.

5) "Africa and Australia have most of the world's oil reserves": The map does not provide explicit information about the exact distribution of oil reserves worldwide. It only shows that Africa and Australia have oil reserves. Therefore, this statement cannot be fully supported by the information in the map.

Based on the information in the map, the statement supported is: "All of the major continents have crude oil reserves except Antarctica" (statement number four).