ms. sue i still writing the compare and contrast essay. teacher say that holden be seeking closure, what do that mean?

Closure means acceptance of the end of something. Sometimes this means having a final conversation with a person who used to be your girlfriend.

thanks very much ms. sue so that mean holden want to stop thinking negative and step into adult world finally?


thanks very much ms. sue :)

You're very welcome, Mohammad. :-)

2012 this was submitted

its 2018

To understand what it means for Holden to be seeking closure, it's important to first understand the concept of closure in a general sense. Closure refers to resolving or bringing an end to something, typically an emotional or psychological state of mind. In Holden's case, seeking closure means he is yearning for resolution or a sense of completion for certain experiences or emotions he has been grappling with.

To further explore this idea and incorporate it into your compare and contrast essay, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and analyze the source material: Review the book or text you are discussing (such as "The Catcher in the Rye") and pay close attention to Holden's actions, behaviors, and internal struggles. Identify the moments or situations where Holden might be seeking closure.

2. Look for examples and evidence: While reading the material, make note of specific passages or scenes that demonstrate Holden's desire for closure. Look for instances where he tries to find resolution or completion in his relationships, his experiences, or his personal growth.

3. Analyze Holden's motivations: Reflect on why Holden might be seeking closure. Is he trying to find meaning or understanding in certain events? Is there a particular reason why he is unable to move on from certain experiences or emotions? Consider his background, character traits, and the context of the story to gain insights into his motivations.

4. Connect it to broader themes: Explore how Holden's quest for closure connects to the broader themes of the story. For instance, you can discuss the significance of Holden's desire for closure in relation to themes like alienation, identity, or the loss of innocence. Examine how his search for closure shapes his journey and impacts his character development.

5. Compare and contrast with other characters: To add depth to your essay, you can compare Holden's pursuit of closure with other characters in the story. Examine how their journeys differ or parallel to Holden's own quest for resolution. This comparative analysis helps to highlight the unique aspects of Holden's character and his approach to closure.

Remember to support your arguments with evidence from the text, such as quotes or specific examples. Use this approach to develop your essay and explain Holden's quest for closure in a comprehensive manner.