what is the average weekly food expense of the johnson family during a 4-week period in which they spent $72.84,$61.20,$75.48,and $68.76 for their weekly grocery shopping? 1] $69.07 2] $69.57 3] $71.07 4] $72.51 5]$73.04 please help me please

the answer is 69.57

Average means that you add up the amounts and then divide by the number of amounts you added. In this case you add the following, and then divide the total by 4.


Remember: Average means add and then divide.

help please thanks


To find the average weekly food expense of the Johnson family during the 4-week period, you need to add up the total amount spent on groceries and divide it by the number of weeks (which is 4 in this case).

The total amount spent on groceries over the 4-week period is $72.84 + $61.20 + $75.48 + $68.76 = $278.28.

To find the average, divide the total amount by the number of weeks: $278.28 / 4 = $69.57.

Therefore, the average weekly food expense of the Johnson family during the 4-week period is $69.57.

So, the correct answer is 2] $69.57.