which expression below shows how much paul would collect in a week if he had 40 clients receiving daily plus sunday delivery,and 25 clients receiving sunday delivery only 1] 40[$2.25]+25[$1.00] 2] 40[$1.00]+25[$2.25] 3] 40[$1.25] +25[$2.25] 4] 65[$2.25] 5] not enough information is given.

please help meeee

To determine how much Paul would collect in a week, we need to calculate the total amount he collects from both the clients receiving daily plus Sunday delivery and the clients receiving Sunday delivery only.

Let's break down the options provided:

1) 40[$2.25] + 25[$1.00]:
This option calculates the amount for 40 clients receiving daily plus Sunday delivery at $2.25 per client and 25 clients receiving Sunday delivery only at $1.00 per client. It covers both types of clients.

2) 40[$1.00] + 25[$2.25]:
This option calculates the amount for 40 clients receiving daily plus Sunday delivery at $1.00 per client and 25 clients receiving Sunday delivery only at $2.25 per client. However, the prices for the two types of clients are reversed.

3) 40[$1.25] + 25[$2.25]:
This option calculates the amount for 40 clients receiving daily plus Sunday delivery at $1.25 per client and 25 clients receiving Sunday delivery only at $2.25 per client. However, the price for clients receiving daily plus Sunday delivery is incorrect.

4) 65[$2.25]:
This option assumes that all 65 clients receive a daily plus Sunday delivery at $2.25 per client. However, this is incorrect as 25 of the clients only receive Sunday delivery.

Given the information provided, option 1] 40[$2.25] + 25[$1.00] is the correct expression that shows how much Paul would collect in a week.