a pound of aluminum may be used to make 29 aluminum cans. there are 240 pounds of aluminum in a 3,000 pound car. how many aluminum cans could be made from the aluminum in a,3,000 pound car? please help solve the problem.

240 * 29 = ?



To solve this problem, we need to find out how many pounds of aluminum are required to make one aluminum can.

Given that a pound of aluminum can make 29 aluminum cans, we can set up a proportion:

1 pound of aluminum / 29 aluminum cans = 240 pounds of aluminum / X aluminum cans

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 pound of aluminum * X aluminum cans = 29 aluminum cans * 240 pounds of aluminum

Simplifying, we have:

X aluminum cans = (29 aluminum cans * 240 pounds of aluminum) / 1 pound of aluminum

Now, we can calculate:

X aluminum cans = 6,960 aluminum cans

Therefore, the aluminum in a 3,000-pound car can be used to make approximately 6,960 aluminum cans.