Prepositions show a spacial, time, or logical relationship between the subject of the preposition and the rest of the sentence.

A) True
B) False
AnswASer B

That's an awkward description, but I think your answer is wrong.


To determine if the statement is true or false, we need to understand what prepositions are and how they function in a sentence.

A preposition is a word that shows a relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in the sentence. This relationship can be spatial, temporal (related to time), or logical.

Examples of prepositions indicating a spatial relationship include "in," "on," "under," "above," and "beside." For example, in the sentence "The book is on the table," "on" is a preposition that shows the spatial relationship between the book and the table.

Prepositions can also indicate a temporal relationship. Examples of prepositions related to time include "before," "after," "during," and "since." In the sentence "I will meet you after lunch," "after" is a preposition that shows the time relationship between the meeting and lunch.

Lastly, prepositions can convey logical relationships such as cause and effect, means, or purpose. Examples of these prepositions include "because of," "with," "for," and "to." In the sentence "I went to the store to buy groceries," "to" is a preposition that shows the purpose of going to the store.

Given this information, it is clear that prepositions show spatial, temporal, and logical relationships in a sentence. Therefore, the statement is true.