Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

A) Her mother described her as a self-centered inconsiderate person.
B) Her mother described her as a self-centered, inconsiderate person.
C) Her mother described her, as a self-centered, inconsiderate person.

I answered B but think it could also be C

It can't be C.


The correctly punctuated sentence is B) "Her mother described her as a self-centered, inconsiderate person."

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the rules of punctuation. In this case, the sentence is using commas to separate two adjectives describing the person in question. According to the rules, when two or more adjectives are used to describe a noun, a comma should be placed between them.

So, in option B, the comma is correctly placed between "self-centered" and "inconsiderate." This indicates that both adjectives are describing the person being discussed.

Option C, on the other hand, places a comma after "her mother described her," which creates an independent clause separated by commas. This would imply that the phrase "as a self-centered, inconsiderate person" is a separate thought, rather than a description of the person being discussed.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer as it follows the proper punctuation rules.