a cell is to tissue as a ____is to a ____because

A cell is to tissue as a building block is to a structure because a tissue is made up of a collection of specialized cells organized in a particular way to perform a specific function.

To understand this analogy, let's break it down step by step:

1. Understand the analogy: The analogy compares the relationship between a cell and tissue to that of a building block and a structure.

2. Define the terms:
- Cell: The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
- Tissue: A group of cells with similar structure and specialized function working together to perform a specific task.
- Building block: A fundamental unit or component used to build or construct something.
- Structure: An organized arrangement of components or parts forming a whole.

3. Analyze the relationship: Cells are the smallest units of life, and they come together to form tissues. Similarly, building blocks are individual units that are used to construct a larger structure.

4. Understand the cause and effect nature of the analogy: Cells are the units that combine to create tissues, just as building blocks are arranged to form a structure. In both cases, the smaller entities (cells or building blocks) come together to create larger and more complex entities (tissues or structures) with specialized functions.

So, the completion of the analogy would be: a building block is to a structure because it represents the fundamental unit used to construct a larger whole, similar to how a cell is to a tissue in the context of biology.