Essential clauses should be set off with commas.

A) True
B) False

My answer is B


To determine whether essential clauses should be set off with commas, we need to understand what essential clauses are. Essential clauses, also known as restrictive clauses, provide necessary information to the sentence and are not set off by commas.

To find the correct answer, let's break down each option:

Option A) True: This suggests that essential clauses should be set off with commas. However, this is incorrect. Essential clauses are not set off with commas because they are integral to the meaning of the sentence.

Option B) False: This states that essential clauses should not be set off with commas. This is the correct answer because essential clauses are not typically separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.

Therefore, your answer of B) False is correct. Essential clauses should not be set off with commas.