Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

A) My birth mother, Mrs. Mom, was a great cook.
B) My birth mother Mrs. Mom was a great cook.
C) My birth mother, Mrs. Mom was a great cook.

I answered C

Sorry, your answer is wrong.

OK so my other answer after reading it through was A

Yes, A is right.

The correctly punctuated sentence is actually A) "My birth mother, Mrs. Mom, was a great cook."

To determine the correct punctuation, you need to look at the structure of the sentence and identify the different elements. In this case, we have:

- "My birth mother" is the main subject.
- "Mrs. Mom" is additional information or an appositive that provides clarification or identification about the birth mother.

The correct way to punctuate this sentence is to use commas to separate the appositive from the rest of the sentence. Commas are used to set off non-essential information or additional details. In this case, the appositive "Mrs. Mom" is not necessary for the basic understanding of the sentence, but it adds extra information.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) "My birth mother, Mrs. Mom, was a great cook."