A line horizontally drawn from the center of the circle.

A. Radius

B. Axiom

C. Circumference

D. Vertex
I chose a and I was told I was wrong Help please

Who told you that it was wrong?

A radius is a line drawn from the center of a circle to the edge of a circle.



C. Circumference

In this case, the correct answer is not A: Radius. A radius is a line segment that connects the center of a circle to any point on its circumference. However, the question asks for a horizontal line drawn from the center of the circle.

The correct answer is D: Vertex. In geometry, a vertex is a point where two or more lines or rays meet. In this case, the horizontal line drawn from the center of the circle can be considered a ray originating from the center of the circle and extending infinitely in one direction. So, the point where this ray intersects the circle is the vertex.

To understand this concept better, you can visualize a circle and draw a horizontal line passing through its center. Then, identify the point where the line intersects the circle. This point is the vertex.