Practices by a certain group of people

A. Customs

B. Beliefs

C. Traditions

D. Norms
Can someone please help!!

Of course! I'd be happy to help. The practices of a certain group of people can encompass customs, beliefs, traditions, and norms. Let me explain each of these terms to you:

A. Customs: Customs are specific behaviors or actions that are considered typical or traditional within a particular culture or group. They involve habitual practices and can include things like greetings, gestures, clothing styles, or food preferences.

B. Beliefs: Beliefs refer to the convictions or ideas that a group of people hold to be true. They are often rooted in religion, philosophy, or cultural values. Beliefs can shape a person's worldview and influence their behaviors and decision-making processes.

C. Traditions: Traditions are long-established customs or practices that are passed down from generation to generation within a specific group. They often hold deep cultural or historical significance and are observed on significant occasions or events.

D. Norms: Norms are the accepted standards of behavior within a particular social group or society. They define what is considered acceptable or appropriate conduct in various situations. Norms can include rules of etiquette, social expectations, or even unwritten codes of conduct.

When looking at the practices of a certain group of people, you should examine all of these aspects to gain a comprehensive understanding. Consider exploring their customs, beliefs, traditions, and norms to get a clearer picture of their unique practices.