how do you write the number words for 0.03. Is it three hundredths.(2)and the number words for 0.76,is it seven tenths,six hundredths

You're right about 0.03.

0.76 = seventy-six hundredths

To write the number words for 0.03, we need to understand the place values of each digit.

0.03 can be separated into two parts: 0 and 03.

The 0 before the decimal point represents zero whole units.

The 03 after the decimal point can be read as "three hundredths."

So, the number words for 0.03 are "zero and three hundredths."

Now, let's look at 0.76.

0.76 can be separated into two parts: 0 and 76.

Again, the 0 before the decimal point represents zero whole units.

The digits after the decimal point can be read separately. The 7 can be read as "seven tenths" and the 6 as "six hundredths."

So, the number words for 0.76 are "zero and seven tenths, six hundredths."