Tessie multiplied 3x4, and then doubled it to find 6x8 .did she get the correct answer ? Explained

no, 3x4 is 12 and 6x8 is 48...she would have multiply 4x6 and then double that in order to get 48

No. 6x8 is equal to 4 to times 3x4. 6 is double 3. 8 is double 4. 2x2=4 12 doubled is 24 or 6x4, 3x2x4.


To determine if Tessie got the correct answer, we need to solve the problem step by step.

First, Tessie multiplied 3 by 4, which gives us 12. Now, let's check if this is correct.

Next, Tessie doubled the result, 12, to find 6 multiplied by 8. Doubling a number means multiplying it by 2. So, if we double 12, we get 24. Let's see if this matches the result she obtained.

However, the problem states that she is finding 6 multiplied by 8. So, let's solve that directly. Multiplying 6 by 8 gives us 48.

So, did Tessie get the correct answer? No, the answer she obtained, 24, is incorrect. The correct answer is 48.