Identify the property or rule shown by each number sentence:

5 * (2*4) = (5*2) *4

The property or rule shown by this number sentence is the Associative Property of Multiplication.

To identify the property or rule, we compare the two sides of the equation. In this case, we have:
Left side: 5 * (2 * 4)
Right side: (5 * 2) * 4

The Associative Property of Multiplication states that the grouping of factors being multiplied does not affect the product. So, the left side of the equation shows the factors (2 and 4) grouped first, and then multiplied by 5, while the right side shows the factors (5 and 2) grouped first, and then multiplied by 4.

Since the two sides of the equation are equal, we can conclude that the Associative Property of Multiplication is being demonstrated.

Complete each number sentence. Identify the property or rule used. 96+13=13+96

the property or rule shown. 9 x 1 = 9 *

do not know what to do