I think we should visit the monkeys first.

Identify the word visit in the sentence...
complete predicate
complete subject
simple predicate
simple subject

I think it is simple subject? yes?


simple predicate...it's a guess...as you can tell english is not my specialty - but I am trying

You're doing fine.

Yes it's the simple predicate. The verb is always the simple predicate.

However, this question has an error. The complete verb is the simple predicate. The simple predicate in this sentence is should visit.

ok...thank you - I think I have one more...

You're welcome.

No, actually "visit" is the simple predicate in the sentence. The simple predicate is the main verb or action of the sentence. In this case, "visit" is the action that is being performed. The simple subject, on the other hand, is the noun or pronoun that the predicate is acting upon or describing. In this sentence, the simple subject is "we," as it is the noun that is performing the action of visiting.