Word bank agenda amiable befuddle blight boisterous clarity compliant conserve debut gory gross induce leeway limber maze oracle partisan reimburse vacate vagabond

The high point of the social season was the formal ____ of young ladies at the annual Society Ball

Before the game starts the players ____ up by doing a few deep knee bends sit ups and other exercises


If the Superintendent of Schools should ____ his position by reigning the Mayor has the right to name someone else the job


Because of her outgoing and _____ personality she is liked by everyone

How can a mind _____ by alcohol make the type of snap decisions needed to drive safely in heavy traffic?

The first two are right. Induce is wrong.

You certainly have a right to cheer for your team but try not to become to ___ and unruly


We cannot allow the lives of millions of people to be ____ by poverty

Because you are working with older and more experienced people you should be _____ with heir requests and advice

Only blight is right.

To find the answer to the first question, you can look for clues in the given word bank that match the context of the sentence. The sentence mentions a "formal" event involving "young ladies" and the "annual Society Ball." From the word bank, the word "debut" fits the context as it refers to the first public appearance or introduction of someone into a particular role or society. Therefore, the correct answer is "debut."

To find the answer to the second question, you can similarly analyze the given sentence and look for clues in the word bank. The sentence mentions players preparing for a game by doing exercises such as "deep knee bends" and "sit ups," indicating the need to warm up their muscles and increase flexibility. From the word bank, the word "limber" matches the context as it means to make someone or something more supple and flexible. Therefore, the correct answer is "limber."