the population of Ling is partly english and partly french.If 80% speak english and 70% speak french,what percentage speak both languages?


To determine the percentage of people who speak both English and French in the population of Ling, you can use the concept of overlapping sets.

Given that 80% of the population speaks English and 70% speaks French, the maximum percentage of people who can speak both languages is equal to the smaller percentage, which in this case is 70%.

However, to find the actual percentage, we need to consider that the total population of Ling might not be evenly distributed among English and French speakers. There might be some individuals who don't speak either language.

Here's how we can calculate the percentage of people who speak both languages:

1. Determine the maximum percentage: Since the smaller percentage is 70%, the maximum percentage of people who can speak both languages is also 70%.

2. Calculate the minimum possible percentage: If the entire population of Ling speaks French and 70% of them speak English, then the minimum possible percentage of people who speak both languages is 70%.

Therefore, the percentage of people who speak both English and French in Ling is between 70% and 70%.