In this case: Your teacher is carrying a pile of heavy books. Offer help.

what is better to say? Shall I carry that for you? or Sorry, can I help you?

Thanks :) Minnie

Why would you say Sorry?

I don't know...

Is Can I carry that for you better?? Even better as shall I carry that you?

May I help you carry those books? or a student to a teacher

Please, may I help you ...

Thank you!

Both "Shall I carry that for you?" and "Sorry, can I help you?" are polite ways to offer help to your teacher who is carrying a pile of heavy books. However, if you want to choose between the two, "Shall I carry that for you?" is generally considered more direct and proactive in offering assistance.

To determine the best option, you need to consider the context and your relationship with your teacher. If you have a friendly or informal relationship, "Shall I carry that for you?" would be appropriate as it clearly expresses your willingness to help and takes the initiative. On the other hand, if you have a more formal and respectful relationship with your teacher, "Sorry, can I help you?" may be a better choice.

Ultimately, the goal is to offer genuine assistance with a polite tone, so use whichever phrase feels most comfortable and appropriate in your specific situation.