the speed of train A is 8 mph slower than the speed of train B. Train A travels 220 miles in the same time it takes train B to travel 260 miles. Find the speed of both trains.

Speed of train A =
Speed of train B =

To find the speed of both trains, let's assume the speed of Train B is represented by "x" mph.

According to the given information, the speed of Train A is 8 mph slower than Train B. Therefore, the speed of Train A would be (x - 8) mph.

We are also given that Train A travels 220 miles in the same time it takes Train B to travel 260 miles. This indicates that the time taken by both trains is the same.

Now, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Let's calculate the time taken by both trains:

Time taken by Train A = Distance / Speed of Train A
= 220 / (x - 8) (equation 1)

Time taken by Train B = Distance / Speed of Train B
= 260 / x (equation 2)

Since the time taken by both trains is the same, we can equate equation 1 and equation 2:

220 / (x - 8) = 260 / x

Let's cross-multiply:

220x = 260(x - 8)

220x = 260x - 2080

-40x = -2080

Dividing both sides by -40:

x = -2080 / -40

x = 52

Therefore, the speed of Train B is 52 mph.

To find the speed of Train A, substitute the value of Train B's speed (x) into (x - 8):

Speed of Train A = 52 - 8
= 44 mph

Hence, the speed of Train A is 44 mph and the speed of Train B is 52 mph.