i still need help:

the conflict is character vs charcater

how would i say what caused it?

Please post why you think it's character against character? What happened in the story to cause this conflict between two characters?

To determine what caused the conflict between the characters, you will need to analyze the story or situation in which the conflict occurs. Look for events, actions, or circumstances that led to a clash between the characters. Some possible causes of a character vs. character conflict could include:

1. Differences in values or beliefs: The characters may have opposing ideas or principles that clash with each other, causing conflict.

2. Competition or jealousy: One character may feel threatened by the other's success or may desire something the other character has, leading to conflict.

3. Betrayal or deception: If one character feels deceived or betrayed by another character's actions, a conflict may arise.

4. Miscommunication or misunderstanding: Lack of clear communication, or a misinterpretation of words or actions, can create conflict between characters.

5. Power struggles: When characters are vying for control or authority, conflict can arise as they compete for dominance.

6. Personal history or grudges: If characters have a history of past conflicts or unresolved issues, these can resurface and result in ongoing conflicts.

By examining the specific circumstances and interactions between the characters, you will be able to identify the cause(s) that led to the character vs. character conflict in your story.

To determine what caused the conflict in a story, you need to look for specific events, actions, or situations that led to the character vs character conflict. Here's a step-by-step approach to identify the cause:

1. Identify the characters involved: Determine which characters are at odds with each other and focus on their interactions. Note down their names or any important characteristics that define their motives or attitudes.

2. Analyze their motivations: Evaluate each character's goals, desires, and beliefs. Look for areas where their motivations clash or contradict each other. These conflicting motivations often serve as the primary cause of character vs character conflict.

3. Examine their actions and behaviors: Pay attention to the actions or behaviors of the characters involved. Look for specific incidents, decisions, or behaviors that trigger tension or conflict between them. This could include lies, betrayals, misunderstandings, or any other actions that drive a wedge between the characters.

4. Evaluate the plot events: Review the major plot events leading up to the conflict. Identify significant incidents that have a direct impact on the relationship between the characters. Look for key moments or turning points that intensify the conflict.

5. Consider external factors: In some cases, the conflict may also be influenced by external factors such as setting, societal norms, cultural differences, or historical events. Take note if any of these elements contribute to or exacerbate the character vs character conflict.

By following these steps, you should be able to pinpoint the cause of the character vs character conflict in the story. Remember, it's important to closely analyze the characters, their motivations, actions, plot events, and external factors to arrive at a comprehensive understanding.