A taxi charges 414 for a 7-mile trip. How much will the taxi charge for 16-mile trip?

My, $414 is a lot for such a short trip! Does your problem have an error in it?

414/7 = x/16

7x = 414(16)
7x = 6624
x = 6624/7
x = 926.29
but I wonder did you mean 4.14 in which case the answer would be 9.29

To find out how much the taxi will charge for a 16-mile trip, we need to determine the rate charged per mile. To do this, we divide the total cost of the 7-mile trip by the number of miles:

Rate per mile = Total cost / Number of miles

Rate per mile = 414 / 7

Rate per mile ≈ 59.14 (rounded to two decimal places)

Now that we know the rate per mile, we can calculate the cost of the 16-mile trip by multiplying the rate per mile by the number of miles:

Cost of 16-mile trip = Rate per mile × Number of miles

Cost of 16-mile trip = 59.14 × 16

Cost of 16-mile trip ≈ 946.24 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the taxi will charge approximately 946.24 for a 16-mile trip.