I writing a character analysis on Hamlet and i just need few notes

what be all his conflicts?
he have one with his uncle who killed his dad, his mom.

what be his flaws?
his indecisions

not stupid, impulsive

state of mind?

attitudes and behaviours:
crazy, distraught

is he a tragic hero?
i say he is because he go through suffering and tragedy.

I agree with what you have written. I would add one thing, though, and that is reference to the inner conflict he has about going through with killing his uncle.

thanks very much Writeacher :)

You're welcome!


To analyze the character of Hamlet more thoroughly, it is important to provide a comprehensive explanation rather than just a list of notes. Here is a breakdown of the conflicts, flaws, strengths, state of mind, attitudes, and behaviors of Hamlet, and his identification as a tragic hero:

1. Conflict with his uncle: Hamlet's major conflict revolves around his uncle Claudius, who kills his father, King Hamlet, and marries his mother, Gertrude. This sets off a chain of events that drive Hamlet's actions throughout the play.

1. Indecisiveness: Hamlet's inability to take prompt action and decide upon a course of action contributes to his downfall. He overthinks and deliberates at length instead of taking immediate action against his uncle.

1. Intelligence: Hamlet is portrayed as highly intelligent, often engaging in philosophical reflection and intellectual debates with other characters.
2. Quick-wittedness: Hamlet demonstrates aptitude in wordplay and clever retorts, displaying his sharpness of mind.

State of Mind:
1. Depression: Hamlet is depicted as being deeply melancholic and emotionally tormented. He grapples with existential questions, grief, and the weight of his responsibilities.

Attitudes and Behaviors:
1. Feigned madness: Hamlet adopts an erratic and unusual behavior, acting as if he is mentally unstable. This disguise allows him to observe others and gather information without arousing suspicion.
2. Distraught: Hamlet experiences emotional turmoil and exhibits signs of distress throughout the play due to his father's death, the betrayal of his mother, and his internal conflicts.

Tragic Hero:
Yes, Hamlet can be considered a tragic hero. According to Aristotle's definition, a tragic hero is a character who possesses noble qualities but also has a tragic flaw that leads to their ultimate downfall. Hamlet's suffering, his tragic flaw of indecisiveness, and his eventual demise make him fit the archetype of a tragic hero.

Remember, when conducting a character analysis, it is essential to support your points with evidence from the text and provide a deeper analysis of the character's motivations, choices, and the impact they have on the play as a whole.