if car one is traveling at 45miles per hr in one direction. How fast is car no 2 has to go from stoped state to catch up with car one after 15 miles assuming car 2 can go from 0-60 in 5 sec.

To calculate how fast car 2 needs to go to catch up with car 1 after 15 miles, we need to find out the amount of time it takes for car 1 to travel that distance.

First, we convert the speed of car 1 from miles per hour to miles per minute, since we need to find the time it takes to travel 15 miles.

45 miles per hour = 45/60 miles per minute = 0.75 miles per minute.

Next, we determine the time it takes for car 1 to travel 15 miles by using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 15 miles / 0.75 miles per minute

Time = 20 minutes.

So, car 1 takes 20 minutes to travel 15 miles.

Now, we can calculate how fast car 2 needs to go.

Car 2 needs to catch up with car 1 in 20 minutes. Since we know car 2 can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 5 seconds, we need to convert this time to minutes.

5 seconds = 5/60 minutes = 1/12 minutes.

Now, we divide the distance traveled by car 2 by the time it takes to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph:

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 15 miles / (20 minutes - 1/12 minutes)

Speed = 15 miles / (239/12 minutes)

Speed = 15 miles / (119/6)

Speed = 15 * 6/119

Speed ≈ 0.757 miles per minute.

Therefore, to catch up with car 1 after 15 miles, car 2 needs to go approximately 0.757 miles per minute.