What type of labor occurs in Kenya? What percentage of it is physical labor, mental, other?



In order to determine the different types of labor that occur in Kenya and the percentage of physical, mental, and other types of labor, we can refer to reliable sources such as government reports or surveys. Statistical data provided by the Kenyan government and international organizations would be useful for this purpose.

One source to obtain such information is the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). They conduct regular surveys and collect data on various aspects of the Kenyan workforce. The KNBS publishes reports that include information on the types of labor and their composition.

To access the data, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics at https://www.knbs.or.ke/.
2. Look for the "Publications" or "Statistics" section on the website. This is usually located in the main menu or sidebar.
3. Search for reports related to labor or employment statistics. These reports may contain information on the types of labor performed in Kenya.
4. Once you find the relevant report, download or access it to review the data.

In these reports, you should be able to find information on the various types of labor performed in Kenya, such as physical labor (hands-on work, manual tasks), mental labor (intellectual or knowledge-based work), and other types of labor (creative work, managerial roles, etc.). The reports may provide this information in the form of tables, charts, or textual analysis.

The percentage breakdown of these labor types can vary, so it's important to refer to the specific reports and data to get accurate figures.