Salesperson Wilson has an agreement with his broker that he earns $10 for every $110 he makes in sales. How much does he earn $2,200 worth of sales?

10(2200/110) = ?



To determine how much Salesperson Wilson earns for $2,200 worth of sales, we can use the given information that he earns $10 for every $110 he makes in sales.

Step 1: Calculate the ratio of earnings to sales
The ratio of earnings to sales is $10 for every $110. So, we can calculate the ratio: 10/110.

Step 2: Calculate the earnings for $1 of sales
To find the earnings for $1 of sales, we divide the earnings ratio by the sales ratio:
Earnings for $1 = $10/110 = $0.0909 (rounded to four decimal places).

Step 3: Calculate the earnings for $2,200 worth of sales
Now that we know the earnings for $1 of sales, we can multiply this amount by the total sales to find the total earnings:
Earnings for $2,200 = $0.0909 x $2,200 = $199.98 (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, Salesperson Wilson earns $199.98 for $2,200 worth of sales.