a new york city taxi charges $3 per ride plus an additional $0.50 per mile what is the function

how about

cost = .5m + 3 , where m is the number of miles

(don't know how they handle a partial mile)

The function that represents the cost of a New York City taxi ride can be written as:

C(x) = 3 + 0.50x

where C(x) is the total cost of the ride and x is the number of miles travelled.

To determine the cost of a taxi ride in New York City, we can define a function that represents the relationship between the number of miles traveled and the total cost of the ride.

Let's say:
- x represents the number of miles traveled.
- f(x) represents the total cost of the taxi ride.

Based on the given information, we know that there is a flat fee of $3 per ride, regardless of the distance traveled. Additionally, an additional charge of $0.50 is applied for each mile traveled.

Therefore, the function can be written as:

f(x) = $3 + $0.50x

In this function, the constant term $3 represents the flat fee and the coefficient 0.50 is the cost per mile. By plugging in the number of miles (x) into this function, we can calculate the total cost of the taxi ride.