Sally travels by car from one city to another. She drives for 36.5 min at 90.7 km/h, 13.3 min at 120 km/h, and 57.4 min at 45.6 km/h, and she spends 16.3 min eating lunch and buying gas.

Find the total distance traveled.
Answer in units of km

change each time to hrs..

then figure each distance segement
distance1=90.7km/hr (36.5/60 hr)=...
then do all the distances that way.
add the distances to get time total distance

a nice second question is what was the average speed for the trip:
avg speed=totaldistance/totaltime

ally travels by car from one city to another. She drives for 23.0 min at 80.0 km/h, 31.0 min at 35.0 km/h, and 31.0 min at 19.0 km/h, and she spends 5.0 min eating lunch and buying gas.

(a) Determine the average speed for the trip.

To find the total distance traveled by Sally, we need to calculate the distance traveled during each leg of her journey and then add them together.

First, let's calculate the distance traveled during the first leg of her journey. Sally drives for 36.5 minutes (or 0.6083 hours) at a speed of 90.7 km/h. To find the distance, we can multiply the speed by the time:

Distance_1 = Speed_1 * Time_1
Distance_1 = 90.7 km/h * 0.6083 h

Next, let's calculate the distance traveled during the second leg of her journey. Sally drives for 13.3 minutes (or 0.2217 hours) at a speed of 120 km/h:

Distance_2 = Speed_2 * Time_2
Distance_2 = 120 km/h * 0.2217 h

Finally, let's calculate the distance traveled during the third leg of her journey. Sally drives for 57.4 minutes (or 0.9567 hours) at a speed of 45.6 km/h:

Distance_3 = Speed_3 * Time_3
Distance_3 = 45.6 km/h * 0.9567 h

Now, let's calculate the total distance traveled by adding up the distances from each leg of the journey:

Total distance = Distance_1 + Distance_2 + Distance_3

To calculate each of these distances, we need to multiply the respective speed by the respective time. Once we have these values, we can add them together to calculate the total distance traveled by Sally.

Note: The units for each distance will be in kilometers since the speed is given in km/h.

Let's plug in the values and calculate the total distance.