I am a fraction with a deminator of 4. I am greater than1/2 but less than 1. What fraction am i?


denominator is the number beneath the line of a fraction. e.g. x/4

we know that 1/4 wont work, neither will 2/4 (1/2) nor 4/4 (1).

That leaves us with one option 3/4
3/4 is greater than 1/2 but less than 1 and has a 4 in the denominator

Hope that helps!

To find the fraction that is greater than 1/2 but less than 1, with a denominator of 4, we need to examine the possible numerator values.

Since the denominator is 4, the possible numerators are 1, 2, or 3. We know that the fraction should be greater than 1/2, which means the numerator must be greater than half of the denominator, which, in this case, is greater than 4/2 or 2.

So, among the possible numerators (1, 2, 3), only 3 satisfies the condition. Therefore, the fraction you are referring to is 3/4.