The average of 3 numbers is 45. If one of the numbers is 43, what is the average of the other 2 numbers?

The average of 3 numbers is 45 means the total = 45 x 3 = 135? is that what u suppose to do?
If one of the numbers is 43, the total of the other two=_______________=______??
.: the average of the other two numbers=______________=________??

45*3= 43 + 2 avg solve for avg.

Hello! I know I am really late, but anybody could use the formula to find average.

Let’s assume three numbers as x, y, and z.

Formula for average:
x + y + z
number of numbers (x, y, z = 3 numbers)

So let’s say that x + y + z = n.
—— = a

a is the average of x, y, and z.

Now I’ll show an example problem

Example: Find the average of 55, 57, and 58.

55 + 56 + 57 168
—————— = ————————— =
3 3
(150/3) + (18/3) = 50 + 6 = 56

Excuse me, my example problem got messed up! Hope you can understand the formula.

To find the average of the other two numbers, we can first determine the sum of all three numbers.

Since the average of the three numbers is 45, we can multiply it by 3 to find the total sum:

Average of 3 numbers = Total sum / 3

45 = Total sum / 3

To find the total sum, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 3:

45 x 3 = Total sum

Total sum = 135

Now, since one of the numbers is 43, we can subtract it from the total sum to find the sum of the other two numbers:

Sum of the other two numbers = Total sum - 43

Sum of the other two numbers = 135 - 43

Sum of the other two numbers = 92

To find the average of the other two numbers, we divide the sum by 2 (since there are two numbers):

Average of the other two numbers = Sum of the other two numbers / 2

Average of the other two numbers = 92 / 2

Average of the other two numbers = 46

Therefore, the average of the other two numbers is 46.