I have to write an analysis of character in play hamlet by shakespeare. and tell what role be of this character.

which character have lots of information on it? King Hamlet, Gertrude, Laertes, Horatio, Ophelia, Polonius, or Claudius.

I wanted to do on Gertrude before, but i not really able to understand her, whether she really loved king hamlet or not, if she was bad or not. She was weak to give into Claudius.

If I had this assignment, I'd be torn between analyzing Horatio or Laertes. Both are very interesting ... and both are in the play to show the readers/audience what Hamlet is not!!

Also -- Mohammad-- you may want to study this easy-English version of this play.


Thanks a lot Writeacher, that give me some insight on these characters.

thanks very much ms. sue for link :)

You're very welcome, Mohammad.

To analyze the character of Gertrude in Shakespeare's play Hamlet, you can gather information about her from various sources. Here are some steps to help you understand and analyze her character:

1. Read the play: Start by thoroughly reading the play Hamlet. Focus specifically on the scenes involving Gertrude, noting her actions, dialogues, and interactions with other characters. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of her character.

2. Analyze her relationships: Pay attention to Gertrude's relationship with different characters, especially King Hamlet, Claudius, and Hamlet himself. Examine their interactions to gain insights into Gertrude's motivations and behavior.

3. Observe her actions: Analyze Gertrude's actions throughout the play. Look for instances where her actions reflect whether she loved King Hamlet or not. Consider both her words and deeds throughout the play.

4. Study her speeches and soliloquies: Focus on Gertrude's speeches and soliloquies to gain insight into her inner thoughts and emotions. Pay attention to any key lines or moments that provide clues about her intentions and feelings.

5. Consider the context: Understand the historical and social context of the play. This will help you analyze Gertrude's character within the framework of the time period and societal norms. Consider how societal expectations and pressures may have influenced her decisions.

6. Consult literary analysis: Read articles, essays, or scholarly analysis on Gertrude's character in Hamlet. These sources can provide different perspectives and interpretations that may help you better understand her actions and motivations.

Regarding whether Gertrude truly loved King Hamlet or not, it is a subject of debate among scholars and readers. Shakespeare intentionally leaves room for interpretation, making Gertrude's motivations complex. Some argue that Gertrude deeply loved her late husband, while others believe she married Claudius for political reasons or due to her own desires. It is essential to analyze Gertrude's character in-depth and draw your own conclusions based on the evidence presented in the play.

Remember, literary analysis involves interpreting the text and forming your own opinions backed by evidence from the play. With a thorough exploration of Gertrude's character, you should be able to determine her role and whether she can be considered good, bad, or somewhere in between.