Simplify: 3-10+9.7 Simplify: 2+3.10 divided by 5.3-9 Simplify: 16-10 divided by 5+13

3-10+9.7 = 3-10+63 = -7+63 = 56

(2+3.10)/(5.3-9) = (2+30)/(15-9) = 32/6 = 16/3

(16-10)/(5+13) = 6/18 = 1/3

when you have fractions, the numerator and denominator must be evaluated separately, then finally divided.

thanks Steve,but the second one still don't get it right

so, what do you get? If you have trouble, it's much better to show your work, so we can set things straight.

To simplify mathematical expressions, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division from left to right, and addition and subtraction from left to right).

For the first expression, 3 - 10 + 9.7, there are no parentheses, exponents, or multiplication/division operations, so we can begin with addition and subtraction. Start from left to right:

3 - 10 + 9.7
= -7 + 9.7 (Subtract 10 from 3)
= 2.7 (Add -7 and 9.7)

So, 3 - 10 + 9.7 simplifies to 2.7.

Moving on to the second expression, 2 + 3.10 ÷ (5.3 - 9). Here, we have parentheses, so let's first simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

5.3 - 9
= -3.7 (Subtract 9 from 5.3)

Now, substitute this simplified value back into the original expression:

2 + 3.10 ÷ -3.7

Next, perform the multiplication and division operations from left to right:

3.10 ÷ -3.7
= -0.8378 (Divide 3.10 by -3.7)

Now, substitute this result back into the expression:

2 + -0.8378

Finally, perform the addition operation:

2 + -0.8378
= 1.1622

So, 2 + 3.10 ÷ (5.3 - 9) simplifies to 1.1622.

Regarding the third expression, 16 - 10 ÷ (5 + 13), let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses first:

5 + 13
= 18

Now, substitute this value back into the expression:

16 - 10 ÷ 18

Then, perform the division operation:

10 ÷ 18
= 0.5556 (Divide 10 by 18)

Substitute this result back into the expression:

16 - 0.5556

Finally, perform the subtraction operation:

16 - 0.5556
= 15.4444

So, 16 - 10 ÷ (5 + 13) simplifies to 15.4444.