•What are two symbolic techniques used to solve linear equations?

•Which do you feel is better?
•Explain why

Two symbolic techniques commonly used to solve linear equations are substitution and elimination.

1. Substitution method: In this technique, we solve one equation for one variable and substitute it into the other equation. This allows us to eliminate one variable and solve for the remaining variable. We repeat the process until we find the values of all variables.

2. Elimination method: In this technique, we manipulate the given equations in a way that allows us to add or subtract them, eliminating one variable. By adding or subtracting the equations appropriately, we can eliminate one variable and solve for the remaining variable.

As for which technique is better, it depends on the specific problem and personal preference. The substitution method is generally more straightforward and easier to understand since we solve for one variable at a time and substitute it into other equations. On the other hand, the elimination method can be faster and more efficient when the coefficients of the variables are easily manipulated to cancel each other out.

In conclusion, the choice between the two techniques depends on the complexity of the equations and personal familiarity with each method. It is important to practice both techniques to be able to choose the most suitable one for a given problem.