Jenna has $1500 in a savings account. She adds $30 to her account each month. Luis has $2400 in his savings account. He withdraws $30 from his account each month. Write and solve a system of equation.

you can write the equations for each account, but there's no need to solve them unless you ask some question about the relative values of the accounts.

To write a system of equations for this situation, we'll use variables to represent the number of months for Jenna and Luis.

Let's assign the variable "x" to represent the number of months for Jenna's account. Since she adds $30 to her account each month, her total savings can be represented as 1500 + 30x.

Now, let's assign the variable "y" to represent the number of months for Luis' account. Since he withdraws $30 from his account each month, his total savings can be represented as 2400 - 30y.

We can set up the system of equations as follows:

Jenna's savings: 1500 + 30x
Luis' savings: 2400 - 30y

To solve the system of equations, we need to find the values of "x" and "y" that satisfy both equations.

Since the problem does not provide any specific information about the number of months, we cannot determine the exact solution. However, we can analyze a scenario.

Let's say Jenna's savings after 5 months is equal to Luis' savings after 8 months. We can set up the equation:

1500 + 30(5) = 2400 - 30(8)

Simplifying this equation leads to:

1500 + 150 = 2400 - 240

1650 = 2160

This is a contradiction since the left side is not equal to the right side. Therefore, there is no value for "x" and "y" that satisfies both equations, indicating that there is no intersection or common solution for Jenna and Luis' savings accounts.