son needs to use the word idioms in a sentence

The first definition gives a couple of examples of idioms. I'm sure your son can make up his sentence from this information.

I'll be glad to check his sentence if you post it here.

"It's raining cats and dogs" is an idiom for "it's raining really hard."

To use the word "idioms" in a sentence, you could say:

"My son is learning English and is starting to understand idioms."

Or, you can also frame a question using "idioms" in a sentence:

"Can you give me some examples of idioms?"

To find examples of idioms, you could use various resources such as:

1. Online Idiom Dictionaries: Use a search engine to look for "idiom dictionary" or "idiom examples" to find websites that provide explanations and examples of different idioms.

2. Idiom Books: Visit your local library or bookstore and look for books specifically dedicated to idioms. These books often include a large variety of idioms along with their definitions and usage examples.

3. Language Learning Websites: Many language learning websites have sections or lessons dedicated to teaching idioms. These websites often provide explanations and examples to help you understand and use idioms correctly.

Remember, idioms are phrases or expressions that have a figurative meaning different from their literal interpretation. They add color and depth to language but can be tricky for non-native speakers to grasp.