the specific heat capacity of iron metal is 0.450 j/gk. how many joules of energy are needed to warm 1.31 g of iron from 20.00 C to 29.00 C?

To calculate the amount of energy needed to warm a substance, we can use the formula:

Q = m * c * ΔT

Q is the heat energy (in joules)
m is the mass of the substance (in grams)
c is the specific heat capacity (in joules per gram per Kelvin)
ΔT is the change in temperature (in Kelvin)

In this case, the mass of iron is 1.31 g, the specific heat capacity is 0.450 J/gK, and the change in temperature is 29.00°C - 20.00°C = 9.00 K.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

Q = 1.31 g * 0.450 J/gK * 9.00 K

Q = 5.2935 J

Therefore, approximately 5.2935 joules of energy are needed to warm 1.31 g of iron from 20.00°C to 29.00°C.

To calculate the amount of energy required to warm a substance, you can use the formula:

Energy = mass × specific heat capacity × change in temperature

Given values:
Mass (m) = 1.31 g
Specific heat capacity (c) = 0.450 J/gK
Change in temperature (ΔT) = 29.00 °C - 20.00 °C

First, convert the temperature difference from Celsius to Kelvin:
ΔT = 29.00 °C - 20.00 °C = 9.00 K

Now you can substitute the values into the formula and solve for energy:

Energy = (1.31 g) × (0.450 J/gK) × (9.00 K)

Multiply the mass, specific heat capacity, and change in temperature:

Energy = 5.880 J

Therefore, the amount of energy needed to warm 1.31 g of iron from 20.00 °C to 29.00 °C is 5.880 joules.

q = mass Fe x specific heat Fe x delta T.