In the election 46% of the class voted for Celina. If there are 50 members in the class, how many votes did Celina receive?

0.46*50=23 votes right

Thank you! This helped lots!

0.46 * 50 = 23

To find out how many votes Celina received, we need to calculate 46% of the total number of class members.

Step 1: Calculate the percentage.
To calculate a percentage, we first convert it to its decimal form. To convert 46% to decimal form, divide it by 100: 46 ÷ 100 = 0.46.

Step 2: Calculate the number of votes.
Multiply the decimal form of the percentage (0.46) by the total number of class members (50):
0.46 x 50 = 23.

Therefore, Celina received 23 votes in the election.



You're welcome.