Sally is making cookies. To make a dozen cookies, she needs 1/4 cup brown sugar. How many cups of brown sugar does Selena need to make 4 2/3 dozen cookies?

1/4 * 14/3 = 14/12 = 1 1/6 cups


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sally made 12 dozen cookies .she sold 3 1/3 and gave away 2 3/4 how many are left

To find out how many cups of brown sugar Selena needs to make 4 2/3 dozen cookies, we first need to find out how many cookies are in 4 2/3 dozen. Since there are 12 cookies in a dozen, we can multiply 12 by 4 2/3 to get the total number of cookies.

4 2/3 can be converted to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number (4) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and adding the numerator (2). This gives us (4 * 3) + 2 = 14. So we have 14/3 as the number of dozen cookies.

To find the total number of cookies, we multiply 14/3 by 12 because there are 12 cookies in a dozen.

(14/3) * 12 = 168/3 = 56 cookies

Now that we know there are 56 cookies, we can determine how much brown sugar Selena needs.

Sally needs 1/4 cup of brown sugar to make a dozen cookies. So we can multiply the amount of brown sugar needed for a dozen cookies (1/4 cup) by the total number of dozens of cookies Selena wants to make (56/12).

(1/4) * (56/12) = 56/48 = 7/6 cups of brown sugar

Therefore, Selena needs 7/6 cups of brown sugar to make 4 2/3 dozen cookies.