After all, I have always been a night owl, and I prefer moonlight to sunlight.

Identify the sentence...

simple sentence
compound sentence
complex sentence
compound-complex sentence

I think it is C

i farted so good its not even funny... i think i cause an earthquake



That has to be the best thing I've read all day.

Okay wtf

No. Your sentence is two independent clauses.

It is compound....right?


Yes!!!!! Thanks...

You're welcome.

To identify the type of sentence, we need to look at the structure and whether it contains dependent and independent clauses.

The given sentence is: "After all, I have always been a night owl, and I prefer moonlight to sunlight."

This sentence contains two independent clauses and no dependent clauses. Independent clauses can stand on their own as complete sentences, so the two independent clauses "I have always been a night owl" and "I prefer moonlight to sunlight" could each be their own separate sentences.

Therefore, the correct identification of the sentence is a compound sentence. Compound sentences consist of two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or." In this case, the coordinating conjunction "and" is used to join the two independent clauses.